General Surgery
The benefits of laparoscopic surgery compared to traditional surgery include less pain, fewer complications, shorter hospital stays, faster recovery time and less scarring.
All surgical patients receiving anesthesia will be placed in the recovery room. Family members and visitors of patients who are in surgery may wait in the surgery waiting room located directly outside the surgery department. Relatives will be notified when the patient has arrived in the recovery room following surgery. The length of time spent in recovery varies with each person and procedure.
For more information on General Surgical procedures please call 641-872-5259.

Our Additional Surgery Suite is Completed July 2017

Some of our outstanding surgical team include: (L-R) Front: Kelcey Leopard, RN, SST; Carissa Cox, MSN, RN; Traci Pershy, SST. Back: Joan Bailey, LPN, SST; Kevin Tilley, RN, Surgery Director; Amanda McKinley, CRNA