This Phase II Outpatient Cardiac Rehab program provides a monitored exercise regime three days a week under the supervision of a cardiac nurse and the multi-discipline team. Phase II Cardiac Rehab is focused on:
- Increasing exercise tolerance
- Reducing symptoms of angina, dyspnea and fatigue
- Improving blood lipid and blood sugar levels
- Reducing weight, smoking, and stress
- Improving psychosocial well-being
An individualized exercise program is developed for each patient progressing in difficulty as the patient advances. Equipment may include using a treadmill, stationary bicycle, stair climber, wall pulley or arm ergometer. Patient’s cardiac activity is electrically monitored and recorded during the sessions. Education on heart disease, risk factors, exercise, medication, diet modification and stress management is provided for the patient and family.
Speak with your doctor about a referral if you have need of these services.
For more information on our Cardiac Rehab Services please call 641-872-5348.

Cardiac Rehab Nurse, Denise Sheston, RN, encourages patient, Sarah Lovett.