New WCH Antenna Installed

Technicians from McCall Communications, Inc.   climb the 96' tower to install the new WCH antenna.

Technicians from McCall Communications, Inc. climb the 96′ tower to install the new WCH antenna.

Corydon, June 6, 2013: It’s always quite a sight to see people scaling tall buildings, rock walls, etc. Such was the sight at Wayne County Hospital (WCH) on June 6th with two men climbing the 96’ tall communications tower to install a new antenna. Installation was handled by McCall Communications, Inc. of Ottumwa.

After taking a direct lightening strike, the previous antenna was lost during a severe electrical storm on April 10th. The direct hit produced a shower of sparks that covered the entire WCH campus. Damages included the loss of the antenna, and temporary loss of function to certain automated doors, computer systems and phone service.

Replacement cost for the antenna was $7,700 and was covered by insurance. This vital piece of equipment provides emergency medical services communications and is also used for paging on call staff in several other departments.