Category: News

Sharing the Christmas Spirit

(Corydon, December 21, 2017) Sharing the Christmas Spirit our WCHCS Activity Committee was pleased to present Mendy Middlebrook, of the County General Relief Office, a $471 check for the Empty Stocking fund.…

WCH Adds Digital Radiography

(Corydon, December 7, 2016): The Wayne County Hospital Radiology Department is pleased to announce their transition from computed radiography to digital radiography (DR).…

Veach Honored with DAISY Award

Corydon, July 01, 2016: Wayne County Hospital and Clinic System is pleased to announce Lisa Veach, RN as one of 14 Mercy Health Network Hospital recipients of this year’s DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses.…

WCHCS Welcomes Dr. Tromblee

Corydon, May 27, 2016: Wayne County Hospital and Clinic System is pleased to announce the addition of Dr.…

WCH Enters Billing Partnership

Corydon, March 25, 2016: Effective April 1, 2016, Wayne County Hospital (WCH) has partnered with Medical Appeals & Reimbursement Specialists, Inc.…

Hospital Creates $17.5 million Impact on Local Economy

In all, Iowa’s Health Care Sector Provides 312,821 Jobs Across State DES MOINES March 11, 2016: Wayne County Hospital and Clinic System (WCHCS) generates 248 jobs that add $15,806,111 to Wayne County’s economy, according to the latest study by the Iowa Hospital Association.…