Patients undergoing surgery at the Wayne County Hospital (WCH) will now have access to one of the most technologically advanced operating facilities in the area.…
Hospice of Central Iowa presented the Wayne County Hospital with a gift in the amount of $30,000 to go toward the development of a designated Special Care Hospice Suite as part of the renovation project.…
The Wayne County Hospital Board, Administration and Medical Staff are pleased to announce the addition of doctors Allan Hornell, MD and Jennnifer Charron, MD.…
WCH CEO, Brian Burnside and CQO, Sally Stanley, ARNP, presented quality improvements at the Iowa Hospital Association Critical Access Forum held March 7th.…
Wayne County Hospital (WCH) is pleased to announce the selection of Sheila Mattly, RN, as the new Chief Nursing Officer to lead the WCH nursing division. …
One in Five Iowa Jobs Linked to Health Care, Study Shows
DES MOINES – Wayne County Hospital (WCH) generates 177 jobs that add $8,446,355 to Wayne County’s economy, according to the latest study by the Iowa Hospital Association. …